Jun 4, 2007


Welcome, readers, to this humble blog, yet another clamoring for space in virtual la-la land but happy to be counted as a meager addition to INSEAD's J08 blog-world. After the unexpected success of my oz diaries, it is with pleasure that I once again put keyboard to screen to update and (hopefully) entertain friends and family with news and gossip from my life as an MBA student.

A few kinks to sort out before that life can begin, though. I finally got news of my admission four days ago, but I still don't know if I will be headed to Fontainebleau or Singapore in September. Not ideal, since as a R4 applicant, I'm already far behind my future classmates on obtaining loans, housing, a clue as to what is about to happen to me... I don't even have the sacred intra-net (NetVestibule) passcode yet. Feeling a bit miffed, excluded and slightly stressed, therefore; although honestly, even that can't put a damper on my good mood because, hey, I got in!!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the admit, and welcome to the Blogosphere.

NV can be a tad overwhelming when you first gain access - I imagine it being something like walking in to Valhalla and asking for an ale; you won't know what hit you - but everyone there is friendly and helpful, for the most part.

Feel free to contact me via the blog, or email if you have any questions.

necromonger said...

Welcome Res I(p)sa (tough!), hope you'll be another in the army of influential (!) class of 2008 INSEAD bloggers!