Aug 4, 2009


Some of you may know that, in a previous incarnation, I actually lived in London. Including over a couple summers. Summer has always been my favourite time to be in London (and England generally), just because there are so many fun and wonderful things to do here. And once again, my generosity of spirit has led me to share them with you now (in no specific order).

Fun and wonderful things to do when in London during the summer:
  • Have a pub lunch at one of those long wooden tables on the sidewalk
  • Take tennis lessons in Hyde Park
  • Go running in Hyde Park, or Battersea Park, or Regent's Park, or... (you get the idea)
  • Have a picnic in one of above-mentioned parks
  • Pay a quid to sit in an uncomfortable beach chair in one of the parks (there's a bit of a "park theme" here...)
  • Go see some outdoor theatre or opera or concert
  • Stroll along the Thames
  • Head up to Cambridge and go punting
  • Go walking in Richmond
  • Drink Pimms
  • Stand in the middle of the street with a pint of lager (apparently that's considered acceptable behaviour here...)
  • Laugh at the funny English people with bare midriffs and painful-looking sunburns

Fun and wonderful things to do when in London during the summer and it rains every damn day:

  • Pretend it's November
  • Get the hell out of London
  • That's it.

1 comment:

Houston Hottie said...

Res I(p)sa-gorgeous, you need to add to your "Rainy day" list: Go see lovely theatre with juicy-licious male leads your girlfriends (including Houston Hottie); drink fruity-fun cocktails to excess, again with Senorita Hottie; do fun bendy-ab-a-licious movements at Pilates with ... you guessed it: Houston Hottie; dream about your upcoming weekend plans in a place where it actually IS summer, alas, WITHOUT Houston Hottie. :) Heartening to know that you do have a panoply of other friends with whom you can have fun, too.